Interview Winning Documents

Assisting jobseekers with Interview Winning Documents since 1995, we believe “Your Success is Our Success!”
From $ 80

Cover Letters
A cover letter is no different to a first impression and we all know how important first impressions usually are!
A compelling cover letter increases your chances of being noticed by a potential employer and could make all the difference to securing that much sought after job interview.
From $ 25

Key Selection Criteria
Be a STAR!
By providing an example, and following the STAR method: Situation – Task – Action – Result, we can make an immediate impression on the Selection Committee. I endeavour to follow this technique when I address each criterion in every Selection Criteria document. Although not always possible, thinking on these lines certainly helps! I also try and include statistical data, at every opportunity, if available. By quantifying accomplishments, we can prove to the Selection Panel the benefits we will bring to the organisation.
From $ 95
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By CareerOne Editor Kate Southam
[This article was also featured in the Herald Sun, written by Kate Southam on Saturday: January 22, 2005]
For Graduates
I’ve heard from a number of college and university graduates looking for tips on laying out their resume.
Professional resume writer Neil Heaton suggests grads start with a summary of their key skills and attributes.
“Point form is fine and don’t cover more than half a page,” he said. Neil recommends a combination of technical or other skills and descriptions that would give the reader an idea of your personal qualities. For example, any computer skills you have as well as key phrases such as “a keen eye for detail”, “punctual”, “diligent”.
For those who have been in the workforce a while, “Professional History” would be the next heading but for grads, “Education” is more appropriate, said Neil. (Attach academic results as a separate document). Use “Education” to list any training undertaken, such as fitness training, first aid training or computer courses.
Next comes “Work History”. Be proud of everything you have done to support yourself as each role offers valuable experience. Retail builds customer service skills, baby-sitting a sense of responsibility and so on.
“They should then list Noteworthy Achievements, which could mean a sporting achievement, school debating, academic achievement, community work or recognition for a job well done, Neil said. Employers will draw a lot from this area bout your character and abilities.
Then list “Memberships & Associations”, “Hobbies & Interests” (if not already covered) and then finally “Referees” – use switchboard phone numbers, not mobiles.
“Lastly, always send a cover letter with your resume,” Neil said. “It’s the first opportunity to introduce yourself and get the reader interested in the rest of your application.”
Kate Southam is editor of
Client Testimonials
Calvin N. – Western Australia (Supply Chain & Procurement)
Document Presentation: Excellent
Resume Writer’s Knowledge of Job Requirements: Excellent
The first job I applied for after getting you to re-write my resume was with BHP Billiton. I was able to secure an interview within one-week of submission, and I have now been offered the position of Supply Superintendent, BHP Nickel West Mine Site-Leinster. Thanks again for your superb service and assistance.
David N. (Engineer)
Document Presentation: Excellent
Resume Writer’s Knowledge of Job Requirements: Excellent
Other comments: Very good service quality and totally professional at all times. This was a most difficult assignment as Neil faced the challenge of developing a suitably formatted resume and cover letter to present my work experience in such a manner that would let me re-enter my earlier engineering field after a break of some 10+ years. Once again, Neil, many thanks for the wonderful work, I am mightily impressed.